About Me

I'm an independent self-starter with expertise in Java, NodeJS, Golang, and Dart who has a proven track record of completing high priority projects accurately and efficiently. I am adept at time management and experienced with large scale projects in a global agile team environment. I'm always looking for new ways in which to expand and enhance my skill set and to have the opportunity to work on new and challenging projects.


FDM Academy
Java Developer Training
May 2013
Intensive four-month training program covering shell scripting, sql, and java development.
Boston University
Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
January 2011

One year engineering degree focusing on biomedical coursework, the healthcare industry, and manufacturing processes.

Major projects:
  • Processed raw medical imaging data into visual representations using mathcad
  • Modeled the branching structure of the human airways using MATLAB
The College of New Jersey
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Cum Laude, Dean’s List
May 2009

Four year engineering degree focusing on mechanical and biomedical coursework.

Major projects:
  • Designed and constructed a 3 ounce cantilever beam that supported 75 lbs. of load
  • Wrote MatLab program to calculate principal stresses at any given height for a concrete tower
  • Created an optimization algorithm to calculate muscle forces acting on a bone
  • Devised MATLAB code to calculate principal stresses at any given height for a concrete tower
  • Designed an experiment to measure viscous forces using a simple counterweight system
  • Senior Project: A Pressure Controlled, Hand-Assistive Exoskeleton for Actuated Pinch and Grasp


Engineer-in-Training Certification
NJ License No. EIT-00113
New Jersey Outstanding Scholar Recruitment Program (OSRP) scholarship
Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholar
First place, IEEE Gold: Region 1 student paper and presentation competition (2009)
Gender and breathing route modulate cardio-respiratory variability in humans
Published in: Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 166 (2009) 87-94
Role: researcher and author
Link to Abstract
Exercise modulation of cardiorespiratory variability in humans
Published in: Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 172 (2010) 72-80
Role: researcher
Link to Abstract


Home Brewing
I got into brewing my own beer after I graduated from grad school and had a bunch of extra time on my hands. This hobby eventually led to me joining up with my business partners and opening the Red White & Brew Beer Company!
Video Games
I've played video games every since I got my first Nintendo system as a young boy. At times I was a bit obsessed, like playing World of Warcraft all through the night, but I've been good lately with my time management.
I love cooking new dishes for my friends and family. If I'm watching network TV it's usually Food Network.
Wood Working
I love building things from scratch.
I'm a big fan of self-sufficiency, and growing my own fruits and veggies gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I had a large garden when I was younger, but had to give that up while living in apartments. Now that I own my own home, I'm building a new garden.
Raising Chickens
Got my first four hens at 16 weeks old. Then the following year I got 10 baby chicks and raised them to adulthood. Once they were full grown I merged the flocks into one.
I've been a avid reader since I was young. I started out with my father's Star Wars extended universe books (now no longer canon, thanks Disney). My favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy. These days I use audiobooks most of the time, so I can listen while driving/commuting.